Oral Health and Diabetes—What’s the Connection?

Oral Health and Diabetes—What’s the Connection?
Table of Contents

Diabetes is a health battle that takes a hard toll on your system if control measures aren’t taken. Blood sugar affects your heart, kidney, lungs, and eyes and you’ll be surprised to know, it affects even your mouth. Yes, if you have diabetes then chances are you are prone to Oral Diseases. Oral health and diabetes are twisted together in more ways than you can imagine. But here’s the catch—you can protect not only your precious organs from diabetes but also your beautiful smile. Read ahead to find out how—

How is Diabetes affecting your Oral Health?

How is diabetes destroying your Dental Health?

You already know what it is! If you have heard of diseases then Diabetes must top the list, because we hear about every second or third person having it. But what is diabetes and how can it damage your dental health?

Well, diabetes is the increase in the blood sugar levels in your system when your body can’t control it or use it for energy. There are two types of it–Type 1 forms when the body stops making insulin which controls the blood sugar levels in your body and transfers the sugar to the cells for energy. In Type 2 form, the body doesn’t respond to insulin, leading to excess sugar, which can have serious health problems.

The connection between Oral health and diabetes lies in the shooting up of blood sugar levels which leads to a dried mouth meaning a reduction in saliva.  New flash folks—saliva helps in cleaning our mouth, it washes away leftover sugary food particles. Now we all have various bacteria in our mouth which when coming in contact with acidic-sweetened food, create a layer of plaque–a coating on the enamel of our teeth.

All this can lead to the beginning of oral diseases such as cavities and gum disease in your mouth. That’s why Diabetes if not controlled can be a massive risk to Oral Health.

What Oral Health problems can Diabetes lead to?

A poorly controlled Diabetes can cause many oral health problems which can put a dent in your Smile. Some of the oral diseases or problems you can encounter with Diabetes are—

Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

It’s a known fact that excess sugar can dry up your lips and also your mouth. That’s why a dry mouth with less saliva is unable to clean your teeth and mouth for bacteria and sugary particles. This condition can lead to cavities, sourness, infection, and major dental problems which can worsen diabetes even more. So, it’s better to keep in touch with your doctor and balance your health.

Gum Inflammation(Gingivitis) & Periodontitis

Gum Inflammation & Periodontitis

Teeth hygiene becomes even more indispensable when you are battling with diabetes and there is absolutely no room for recklessness. When sugar goes up in your system it thickens the blood vessels making it a challenge for your body to pass on nutrients and remove waste through the veins. This swollen even your gums, leading to serious gums or periodontal problems.

Did you know that your diet can have a big impact on your dental health? Our recent blog post, “Foods that worsen your Dental Health” explains which foods to avoid if you want to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Improper healing of Tissues

Uncontrolled diabetes makes it difficult for your tissues to heal your injuries or diseases. Something similar happens when dental health is at stake. A diabetic patient is prone to poor healing of gum tissues after any dental surgery and this can worsen the already delicate oral dental health. Hence, a good teeth care routine is advisable for future risks.

Fungal Infection

Fungal Infection

A fungal infection happens because there are bacteria that settle on anything that gets rotten. When there is too much sugar or glucose in your blood and mouth there are chances of fungal infection as fungus thrives on the bacteria that form on your teeth or gums. To avoid the risk of damaged oral health along with diabetes consult your doctor today. 

To spot the early signs of tooth decay check this out.

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Burning Mouth and Tongue

This issue happens due to the presence of fungal infection. And especially people who smoke experience a burning sensation in their mouth which can lead to a dry mouth. Smokers are at a higher risk of having dental problems than non-smokers. So, if you have diabetes then smoking is not an option as you will also invite oral diseases.


Oral health and diabetes carry a connection on a much larger level. We all know a lot of things about diabetes and its problems but are surprisingly unaware of the dental issues that diabetes can cause. Well, you can start with this article with an understanding of your dental health and if you have diabetes then you start today to take preventive measures. And if you aren’t a diabetic patient even then this article helps you avoid both diabetes and oral health diseases.

If you have diabetes, it’s important to prioritize your dental health. Book your appointment now to get personalized advice and treatment from our experienced dental team.

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